Weather Conditions, Solar and Lunar Information

Whenever you select a location by clicking a marker or using the GPS feature, Smart Trip Map will get the current weather conditions, and calculate the moon phase, sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset times. You can simply select another date as far into the past or as far into the future as you like to see what the sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and moon phase was or will be.

Conditions include weather, moon phase, sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset.

All of your data on Smart Trip Map is secure and absolutely private.

Current Weather Conditions

Whenever you select a location by creating a marker, selecting an existing marker, or using the GPS feature, the current weather conditions are updated. Reported weather conditions include a description of the current conditions, the temperature, wind direction and speed, and relative humidity.

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Moon Phase

The moon phase, along with its description, is displayed in the Conditions pane. You can change the date to any date as far into the past or as far into the future as you'd like and the moon phase for the selected date will be displayed.

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Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise and Moonset

Sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset times are calculated for the exact location that you've selected. You can also change the date to any date as far into the past or as far into the future as you'd like and the sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset will be recalulated and displayed for the selected date and location.

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