Streamflow Gages

Smart Trip Map makes accessing USGS and USBR streamflow gages easier than ever, and it's free! The google maps fishing app will find the nearest streamflow gage to your currently selected location. Every single USGS and USBR gage is available everywhere in the U.S. and U.S. Territories. You can even choose to view all the nearby streamflow gages, taking your online exploring to the next level. Just drop a marker, or use the GPS feature, and get streamflows. It's that easy!

Smart Trip Map makes it easy to get USGS and USBR Streamflow Gages on any device.

All of your data on Smart Trip Map is secure and absolutely private.


USGS, science for a changing world U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation

Smart Trip Map has gone to great lengths to ensure that every single USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) and USBR (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation) streamflow gage in the U.S. and U.S. Territories is available to you in the Google maps fishing app. Most of the streamflow gages in the U.S. are administered by the USGS, but particularly in the West, the USBR has a significant number of streamflow gages that aren't available on the USGS website. The days of going back and forth between USGS and USBR websites and mucking through their query interfaces to find the streamflow gage you're looking for are over! We do the work for you so you can do what you do best — go fishing!

Historical Data

We have queried every streamflow gage that has historical data so we can instantly provide historical average CFS in addition to the standard CFS (Cubic Feet Per Second) and Gage Height.

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Social Media Enabled

Your fishing data is private — that's worth repeating. Smart Trip Map makes it easy to share streamflow gages if you choose to do so. With a single click you can get the link, HTML or BB Code that you need to share a USGS or USBR streamflow streamflow gauge anywhere you like!

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Smart Trip Map provides the simple HTML code that you need to Embed a streamflow gage on your website or in your blog. Simply get streamflows at any USGS or USBR gage, copy the Embed HTML and paste it into your website or blog. That's it!

You can find the simple and accomodating Terms of Use here.

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