Tide Charts

NOAA tide charts are more accessible than ever, and it won't cost you a thing! The Google maps fishing app will find the nearest tide station or tide substation to you currently selected location. Every tide station and tide substation in the U.S. and U.S. Territories is available to you. Set the date as far back in time or as far forward into the future as you like. You can even choose to view all the nearby NOAA tide stations and substations, taking your online exploring to the next level. Just drop a marker, or use the GPS feature, and get tide charts. It couldn't be simpler.

Getting NOAA Tide Charts has never been easier.

All of your data on Smart Trip Map is secure and absolutely private.

All Stations and Substations

USGS, science for a changing world

Every tide station and substation in the U.S. and U.S. Territories is available to you through the simple Smart Trip Map interface. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has a fairly large number of realtime tide stations, and many more tide substations that extrapolate their data based on formulae related to the realtime stations. We provide every single one.

Smart Trip Map does all the heavy lifting for you to provide easy access to location-based tide charts. The days of digging through complicated search interfaces to get the tide charts you need are over!

With a single click you can view all of the nearby tide stations, making it easy to find the closest station or substation to your destination. You can even set the date as far back in time or as far into the future as you want and refresh the chart. The tide calculations are rock solid for all historical and future tide predictions.

Social Media Enabled

Your fishing data is private — we'll say it over and over. Smart Trip Map makes it easy to share tide charts if you choose to do so. With a single click you can get the link, HTML or BB Code that you need to share a NOAA tide chart anywhere you like!

Launch Smart Trip Map


Smart Trip Map provides the simple HTML code that you need to Embed a tide chart on your website or in your blog. Simply get tide predictions at any NOAA tide station or substation, copy the Embed HTML and paste it into your website or blog. That's it!

You can find the simple and accomodating Terms of Use here.

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