Fishing Journal

Smart Trip Map allows you to easily chronicle your adventures with beautiful, photo-laden Fishing Journal entries associated with your trips. Your fishing journal is completely private and allows you to share specific journal entries on social media, your blog, or your favorite forums only if you choose to do so.

The Fishing Journal allows you to create beautiful journal entries.

All of your data on Smart Trip Map is secure and absolutely private.

Rich Fishing Journal Entries

Smart Trip Map makes it easy to craete beautiful, rich fishing journal entries that include your photos, links, and completely flexible formatting. Not only can you include pictures in your fishing journal that you upload from your computer, we use filestack so you can easily, and securely select from any of your photo sources like Facebook, Google Drive, Dropbox, Flickr, and the list goes on!

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Social Media Enabled

Your fishing data is private — we'll keep saying it! We're not messing around when it comes to keeping your fishing secrets. Smart Trip Map makes it easy to share your fishing journal entries if you choose to do so. With a single click you can get the link or embedding code that you need to share a fishing journal entry anywhere you like!

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