Trip Planner

The Trip Planner is what ties it all together. You can easily find locations and establishments, and create trips, setting one or more waypoints for your adventure. Complete driving directions are just a click away. You can revisit past trips and jump from location to location quickly and easily, making future trip planning as well as scouting streamflows, tides and weather a breeze.

The Trip Planner lets you easily plan and revisit trips.

All of your data on Smart Trip Map is secure and absolutely private.

Location and Establishment Search

Smart Trip Map makes planning trips easy! You can quickly jump to locations anywhere in the world by typing the name of the city, lake, river, etc, in the Location Search. Once you've zeroed in on a location, the Establishments Search feature allows you to quickly locate all of your options for any type of establishment, like sporting goods stores, motels, and restaurants, to name just a few examples.

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Waypoints and Trip Directions

Once you've entered just a little information about your trip you can set multiple waypoints and get complete driving directions. The waypoints in the trip planner can be reordered by simply dragging and dropping, allowing you to easily tweak trip plans to optimize your driving time, and more importantly, your fishing time!

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Social Media Enabled

Your fishing data is private — yep, we said it again! When it comes to your privacy we don't play around. Smart Trip Map makes it easy to share basic information from your trip planner if you choose to do so. With a single click you can get the link that you need to share a trip planner entry anywhere you like!

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